muet test format
Hi teachers and students do you want to know more about the new MUET syllabus for those taking this examination 2021 onwards. Here is how you will be tested for each component. Muet My Way Muet Report Writing Sample Template Report Writing Report Writing Template Writing Images The test consists of five parts. . You will be given time to read the questions when the test begins. The test has four components Listening Speaking Reading and Writing. The Malaysian University English Test is a test of English language proficiency largely used for university admissions in Malaysia. 8001 Listening 30 minutes 15 8002 Speaking 30 minutes 15 8003 Reading 90 minutes 40 8004 Writing 90 minutes 30. The passage may be taken from newspapers magazines or other sources. Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia MPM yang ditubuhkan pada 1 Februari 1980 di bawah Akta Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia Akta 225 ialah sebuah badan berkanun yang beroperasi di bawah ...